Well here they are, the new toys I splurged on... Yes I know you are all probably assuming tools or something like that, but no, these are even better, a Kenmore Elite HE-5 High Efficiency Washer and Dryer pair! Last spring we arrived at the cottage to find leaking pipes, and the washing machine left in the on position (with no water available), the motor humming slightly as it tried to start. With all the other plumbing work I had to do up there, I didn't even get a chance to test it, I simply assumed the motor had been cooked.
The plan then was to buy a new washer and dryer for the Field House, and move the set from there up to replace the cooked set at the cottage. Well after finding a great deal on the Kenmores, it turns out that the cottage washer was fine after all, so I then managed to sell the old washer from the house on Kijiji.ca, and donate the dryer to Katherines sister Elizabeth, who for several months had a dryer with a non-functioning heater element. I saved a few hundred bucks by not buying the pedestal bases, and built a custom wood frame base that is even taller right onto the concrete floor. It is amazing to watch the washer as it spins up (approx 1200 rpm top speed) and the top of base it sits on rocks from side to side roughly half an inch. From what I have heard, it is not a good idea to put these types of machines in a second floor laundry room as they will make the house vibrate, and I can understand why!
Nice washer and dryer David.
Yes you are right, the high "G"
force during the spin cycle makes these a poor candidate for second floor installations. And, I might add, the "crates" you have fabricated are insufficient also as a base. Please, purchase the proper bases and anchor them to the concrete floor. My My!!! Not good Amigo!!
The 'Crates' have been in place for eight months and over 120 loads now, and are anchored to the floor with 12 concrete screws on offset brackets. The bottom plates are also resting on sill gasket to keep them separated from the concrete floor. In addition they place the machines 4 inches taller than the tallest bases. If these prove insufficient before, say 2030 AD, I will be certain to let you know!
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