Well here it is, in all 32 square feet of its glory! This is our very own little non-certified-probably-about-as-organic-as-you-can-find-in-a-backyard organic garden! This is Katherine and Rudi's little project, as evidenced by their appearance in the photograph.
This is the very same garden that last fall produced prize winning Roma and Yellow Plum tomatoes (First and second in both categories) at the Tavistock Fall Fair. Katherine and Rudi have sixteen runner bean plants (four Painted Lady, four Celebration, and eight Wisley Magic) climbing the twig frame, along with sixteen tomato plants, as well as some garlic, peas, carrots, and yellow bush beans. Hot peppers of some description are planted in the strawberry pots. hmmm, seems young Rudi is in dire need of a haircut!
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