After leaving your coat in the foyer closet, you could turn again toward the back of the house, with the staircase on your right, and proceed throught a doorway into the dining room. Off to your left lie both living rooms.
The photograph is taken from the back of the dining room (in the doorway to the kitchen, looking back to the front of the house, the foyer, and the main front door. The dining room table and chairs, hutch, and sideboard (not visible) are turn of the century pieces, we were told bought by the Field family for the house, and simply transferred along with the house over the years to all the new owners. Although it is a charming story, it is not the truth. The dining room suite was bought by Mr Hilcox and his wife, who owned it for a number of years. Some time ago they downsized, and had the suite moved to their father's house, which eventually became the home of one of their sons.
David, the dining room suite story is very confusing. What??
Who purchased what from whom?
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